Sunday, June 12, 2011


I haven't posted on here in a year, college life and rebuilding my own world had temporarily taken me off the path of my tabletop life, but this fine summer day something kicked me back into high gear.
Reddit is an internet site where users can post funny/interesting/controversial internet pictures and other users can comment. Much to my surprise I find this on the second most popular page:

Reading the comments about strangers reaction to this all girl group I ran last summer has made me realize young female gamers, DM's in particular are still very much in need of a voice.
Get out you dice and let the diplomacy rolls commence :D


  1. Was wondering if you intended to revive your blog.

    Welcome back!

  2. Same here...I had contemplated removing your blog in the "Great Cull" of April and decided not to. I thought, "No, she'll be back."

    BEsides, my 15 y.o. daughter, who has gamed since she was 8, has been talking about running a game for her (girl) friends. she needs the inspiration!

    Welcome back to the blog-o-sphere!

  3. Excellent! By the way, you need to roll some dice with Uncle Cyclopeatron before you head back to school!

  4. Welcome back! Glad to know you're still out there!

  5. Man that reddit thread is scary as fuck.

  6. That's a great news indeed, welcome back! We kinda need more blogs like this – "big boys playing D&D" comes pretty boring on the long run...

  7. To Zak S: Readint the reddit thread was definitely an uncomfortable experience. It's amazing the attitudes that are still so prevalent! I saw you had a similar reddit experience and I don't even want to imagine what that looked like...I appreciate what you do. Huzzah for giving minority gamers a voice!

    General: Thanks so much for the warm welcome back, it's good to plug into the blog world again :D

  8. Okay, now I have to read the reddit thread. Good to see more women in gaming. You could count the women on one hand in some of the larger groups I gamed with in the seventies. Some of the smaller groups were much more integrated.
